Friday, November 4, 2011

Petits Fours - November 4, 2011

*~First and foremost, this game asks you if you can survive on $1000 for a month. It throws obstacle after obstacle at you, and really shows how stressful, painful, and difficult life can be for the thousands of unemployed Americans trying to make their next rent payments. I made it through with a couple hundred dollars, but... wow, it was really harrowing. 

*~My Modern Met is just heaven. I am head over heels for just about 85% of everything they showcase and want to share them all with the world, but for today, i'll limit myself to three posts...

          Is this real life?!

*~Lava, waterfalls, and glaciers (made of SEQUINS!) gently dripping over dilapidated buildings 
          Such a marvelous intersection of the natural, urban, faded, and flashy! 

*~A transparent lake made of hundreds of blue vinyl discs and suspended into the air
          I'm always amazed when i stand under a tree and gaze upward to see its leaves starkly outlined against the backdrop of the sky; the same goes for diving               underwater and looking up! I'd love to lie down in this exhibit like the cool red-shirted guy (although i have to wonder... since there'd be no discs directly             above you when you lie down, would the effect be as transcendental as it seems?)

With love,

Monday, October 31, 2011

My Halloween costume: Ophelia giving out flowers

I love love LOVE Halloween. For the past few years, i've taken inspiration from classic art or literature for my costumes (e.g. The Lovers by Magritte with my then-boyfriend), and this year was no different. I chose to be the lovely, deranged, victimized Ophelia from Hamlet!

The part of my costume of which i'm most proud is definitely the flower straitjacket. It took me about six hours to make, and symbolizes Ophelia's mental isolation from reality. She sees flowers in her mind, but in reality, all she has in her hands are weeds, sticks, and chicken bones. 


Those are the pictures i used to enter Chictopia's I Die for DIY contest, but i had tonnnnns of outtakes that i quite liked, as well:

Candid of Sad!Ophelia

HI GUYS!!!!!!!!
-sigh- I love Halloween. 

With love,

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hannah Stouffer

You can't just glance at Hannah Stouffer's artwork - you need to look. Different figures and characters emerge from the canvases as time passes: my thought process for most of her paintings was basically "Oh wow colors... HEY WAIT THERE'S A... AND WHOA OVER THERE, THAT'S A...." Like an I-Spy book! I went through every single one of her posts on her website, and i have to say that she chose the correct host for her work - her art is so Tumblr (take that as you will). Anyway, she seems like the perfect kind of artist to consult for a tattoo design; i would possibly die of bliss if i had any of these pictures inked on me.

With love,