Monday, October 31, 2011

My Halloween costume: Ophelia giving out flowers

I love love LOVE Halloween. For the past few years, i've taken inspiration from classic art or literature for my costumes (e.g. The Lovers by Magritte with my then-boyfriend), and this year was no different. I chose to be the lovely, deranged, victimized Ophelia from Hamlet!

The part of my costume of which i'm most proud is definitely the flower straitjacket. It took me about six hours to make, and symbolizes Ophelia's mental isolation from reality. She sees flowers in her mind, but in reality, all she has in her hands are weeds, sticks, and chicken bones. 


Those are the pictures i used to enter Chictopia's I Die for DIY contest, but i had tonnnnns of outtakes that i quite liked, as well:

Candid of Sad!Ophelia

HI GUYS!!!!!!!!
-sigh- I love Halloween. 

With love,

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